ABC News : Just In

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Slamming the Boards"

I like answer boards. I often use a forum for my car, which has helped me a lot over the last few years, both in asking questions & getting helpful replies, and also in using the "search" facility to find old posts that refer to what I'm looking for. This is a really great way to find very specific answers to often very technical questions. I guess the power of the answer board is the fact that so many people provide answers, and you can look through them all to get your information.
While somewhat tedious (having to log in & check through the boards periodically), answer boards sometimes have an alert feature that emails you when the answer comes in.
As far as the idea of librarians trying to answer all the questions out there - it is a very big ask! the boards are many and varied, and not really organised or linked systematically. But I do think we could focus on some of the more popular answer boards, perhaps the more general ones? and help build the knowledge up.
I guess the way I see answer boards now, is pretty much as databases which can be searched for good information. I think the best boards should have a search feature, be split into topical categories, and sortable by post date, poster, and topic.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I don't think it is about librarians answering all the questions, just answering some questions and promoting libraries through this work.
