Well I've done a bit of work on my library technology plan.
I am thinking we need to do a lot of things, including:
* Review the library's loan parameters
* Research how we can make the LMS interact with our subscription databases (via the catalogue records, web links & discovery services, for example)
* Research an OPAC that will "discover" all of these resources.
* Decide how we want the search results displayed (local holdings first? or mixed in with the other results?)
* Investigate these "discovery" solutions with the vendors (Insight, Ebsco, Gale etc)
* Match the
design of the website to our users' needs. (If they can't FIND IT or USE IT, we are wasting our effort)
* Digitise more of our collection
* Maximise the use of the software - turn on all useful features & promote to customers.
* Develop website to include more interactive resources
* Seek partnerships with local schools/TAFE/University to maximise IT investment.
* Investigate Ebook options. Research alternative vendors, talk to other libraries
* Integrate Web 2.0 apps into our services
* Develop Mobile services via SMS & Twitter, etc
* Hardware upgrade plan - Microform readers & alternative technologies
* Hardware upgrade plan - Barcode scanners
* Hardware upgrade plan - slip printers
* Photo database development
* Research IT trends for collection of resources (CDs, DVDs or MP3 etc?)
* Research Wireless uptake & need for hardwired public PCs